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Introduction to Teaching

  • Thu, May 16, 2024
  • 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Classroom


Registration is closed

This event is for people who are considering teaching a class at TC Maker but don't really know where to start. If you've ever considered sharing your knowledge with others, come and learn more about how to put those ideas into a tangible form! This meet-up will strive to answer questions such as: 

1. Should *I* teach? 

2. How would I build a curriculum around my idea?  

3. Is my subject matter/idea feasible? 

4. What are the steps to teach a class at TC Maker? 

Teaching can be very rewarding and give you a deeper understanding of your subject area. Plus you can earn extra money on the side and share your knowledge with members and non-members alike!  

If you have a more developed idea already, consider attending the soon-to-be released "Developing Your Class" event which delves more into the nitty gritty of putting your event on. 

This class is taught by Cory Due. 

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